
“On my website, you'll find collaboration opportunities, trainings and inspiration to create, adapt, interpret and improvise our stories together.” 💛 GRC



Gabriella is an experienced dramatic actress who has played lead, support and guest roles in film, television and theatre in Australia, the USA and Europe.

On stage for the show’s entire duration, Gabriella Rose–Carter is the powerful centre piece in Majok’s gripping drama. As Darja, she presents a feisty master manipulator, equally hungry for true love as well as financial security.  You can’t take your eyes off her..”

THEATRE PEOPLE Professional Theatre, Reviews ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️   


Gabriella Rose-Carter – founder of Q44 and a fine director in her own right, is so real as Carolina the over-achieving high-flying lawyer and eldest daughter, that you simply forget you are watching a performance and have to stop yourself from reacting aloud to her comments. Rose-Carter has no self-awareness as an actress, no studied gestures or moves. She IS who she is playing



Gabriella is an accomplished director having helmed productions in New York, Spain, Italy and Australia.


Gabriella is co-founder of Golden Pineapple Productions, producing creative content for cinema and multiple streaming platforms.